[STATE_DONE noname apit]
How to Create the SIA Image and Prepare for PXE Boot
After you have prepared for an unattended installation as described in the previous sections,
follow the steps below to set up a PXE image to boot SIA and perform an unattended
Tip – For additional information about setting up an SIA PXE boot image, consult the PXE
sample target in the /boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg le on the SIA CD/DVD.
Precongure your networkto supporta Linux-based PXE server networkinstallation.
You may refer to the Linux distribution documentation for more information on conguring a
PXE server.
In the PXE Linuxdirectory, create anew subdirectoryfor the SIA image(s).
On a Linux system, for example, the following command line creates a subdirectory for
suninstall images:
# mkdir /home/pxeboot/suninstall
Insert the SIA CD/DVD intoa CD/DVD drive ofa Linux-based PXEserver and mountthe CD/DVD.
Copythe vmlinuz (the bootable Linux kernel) andinitrd (initial ram disk) lesfrom the SIA
CD/DVD to thesuninstall subdirectorythat you created.
Use the correct path to the mounted CD image. This example uses /mnt/cdrom:
# cp /mnt/cdrom/boot/isolinux/vmlinuz /home/pxeboot/suninstall
# cp /mnt/cdrom/boot/isolinux/initrd.img /home/pxeboot/suninstall
Postyour modied SIA state le(externalStateVariables.txt)on a web server that the PXE
server can access(or on the PXEserver itself,if it is congured as aweb server).
Use aneditor to include thefollowing SIA referencesin the pxelinux.cfg/default le thatis
stored inthe /home/pxeboot directory:
default suninstall
label suninstall
kernel suninstall/vmlinuz
append initrd=suninstall/initrd.img vga=0x314 ramdisk_size=900000 root=/dev/ram0
splash=silent siaurl=http://URL_to_ externalStateVariables.txt
PreparingforanUnattendedSIA FirmwareUpgrade