161Command-line switches
Command-line switches
-nolilo Does not attempt to patch the LILO boot loader after a clone. If you use the -nolilo switch,
you need to start from a floppy disk after the clone and then run /sbin/lilo as the root user
to reinstall LILO.
-noscsi Disables access to SCSI devices using ASPI.
-ntc- Disables NTFS contiguous run allocation.
-ntchkdsk Sets the CHKDSK bit set on a copied NTFS volume. This causes Windows NT to check the
integrity of the volume when it is started.
-ntd Enables NTFS internal diagnostic checking.
-ntic Ignores the NTFS volume CHKDSK bit. Norton Ghost checks the CHKDSK bit on an
NTFS volume before performing operations. When Norton Ghost indicates that the
CHDSK bit is set, you should run CHKDSK on the volume to ensure that the disk is in a
sound state before cloning.
-ntiid By default, Norton Ghost copies partitions participating in an Windows NT volume set,
stripe set, or mirror set using image all sector-by-sector copying. This switch forces Norton
Ghost to ignore the Windows NT volume set partition status and image the partition as if
it were an NTFS partition to let it be intelligently imaged on a file-by-file basis. Take care
when using this switch. Do not use the -ntiid switch with volume sets and stripe sets.
To clone mirrored partitions (also known as Windows NT software RAID partitions)
1 With Windows NT disk administrator, break the mirror set.
2 Using the -ntiid switch, clone one of the mirror partitions.
3 Resize as desired. Partitions can only be resized by Norton Ghost during a disk
operation. When performing a partition operation, the target partition size must
already be established.
4 After cloning, recreate the mirror set using the Windows NT disk administrator. The
disk administrator creates the partitions in the mirror set.
-ntil Ignores NTFS log file check (inconsistent volume).
-or The override switch allows the override of internal space and integrity checks and lets you
put a very big image into a small partition. The operation fails if it is unable to write to the
limited partition size. This switch lets you override spanning, which fails if there is limited
space. Avoid using this switch.
-pmbr Specifies that the master boot record of the destination disk is to be preserved when
performing a disk-to-disk or image-to-disk cloning operation.
-pwd and -pwd=x Specifies that password protection be used when creating an image file.
x indicates the password for the image file. If no password is given in the switch, Norton
Ghost prompts for one. You can enter a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters.