
Problems running Norton Ghost
Problems running Norton Ghost
Some errors may occur that do not produce an error code.
Card not found/Card not installed
This error can occur if a driver cannot find a network card installed on your
computer. The error can occur when you start your computer with a Ghost boot
disk or run a task in the Virtual Partition. Check the following:
Ensure that you selected the correct network card when you created the
Ghost boot disk.
Ensure that the Plug and Play O/S setting in the BIOS does set up Plug and
Play devices.
For example, if the setting in the BIOS is Plug and Play O/S, then the setting
for the BIOS to set up Plug and Play devices is N. Some BIOS phrase this
differently and require the setting to be Y. Try the generic instructions for
accessing the BIOS included in this manual or check your computer manual
for instructions specific to your computer.
This applies only to some cards and some BIOSs.
Creating an image on an NTFS partition
You may experience problems if you are attempting to back up in the following
You have a dual-boot environment.
You are running Norton Ghost from a Windows 9x partition.
You are trying to create an image in an NTFS partition.
This cannot be achieved because of a known Windows 9x limitation of reading
NTFS partitions.
A workaround for this is to start your computer with a Ghost boot disk and then
run Ghost.exe to complete the backup image.
Cannot start from drive A
If your computer does not check drive A first on startup, use your computer’s
Setup program to change its settings.