175Command-line switches
Ghost.exe and the Virtual Partition
[end of list]
The exclusion list is case-sensitive; all files should be specified in upper case. The *
wildcard symbol follows UNIX rules, and is more powerful than the MS-DOS *
wildcard. In particular, it matches the . as well as any other character, but other
characters can follow the *. Therefore a wildcard of *br* matches any files
containing the letters br, such as, Brxyz.txt, Abr.txt, and Abc.dbr.
The specification of \WINDOWS\COOKIES\*.* in the previous example means
match all files in the \WINDOWS\COOKIES subdirectory that have extensions.
To match all files with or without extensions, use WINDOWS\COOKIES\*.
Use short file names in exclusion files. Files specified before the first [Partition:x]
heading are used to match files in any partition.
A directory of * matches any subdirectory, regardless of nesting. The previous
exclusion file matches any file with an extension of .1 in any subdirectory on the
second partition. Apart from this, use wildcards for files, not for directories.
Ghost.exe and the Virtual Partition
Ghost.exe does not see the Virtual Partition when it runs from the command line.
The numbering of the partitions is consistent with the numbering that appears
when you run the Ghost.exe user interface.
If you use GDisk to view the disk, the Virtual Partition is displayed with the
volume label VPSGHBOOT. Therefore, the partition numbering that you can see
in GDisk is not the same as the partition numbering in Ghost.exe.