■ VxVM volumes
Added the Switch Port Usage Trend report
You can now view the Switch Port Usage Trend report, which allows you to track
used and unused ports over a specified time frame.
New sample ad hoc reports
CommandCentral Storage now includes the following sample ad hoc reports:
■ Application Access Path Inventory Report: Presents all the combinations of
end-to-end access path inventory (for the logical objects) from application to
the LUN (and the associated array).
■ FibreAttached StorageConsumptionReport: Displaysinformationabout fibre
attached storage given to hosts and how that capacity is utilized by the file
■ Localvs RemoteReplicationReport: Depictshowmuch ofthe primary(source)
capacity is replicated locally vs replicated remotely.
■ NetAppQuotaOver-ProvisioningReport: Providesdetailsaboutquotaallocation
on a NetApp volume and the % over-provisioning.
■ SANStorageReport:Details arrayandhostutilizationofSANstorageand also
the shared claimed capacity between hosts.
Forinformationaboutworking withthesecustomreports,seetheCommandCentral
Storage User’s Guide.
CommandCentral Storage 5.1 introduces the following installation features.
New licensing options
In previous versionsof CommandCentral Storage, you couldpurchase licenses to
enable the following modules:
■ Operations Module
■ Data Module
■ Operations Module and Data Module
In CommandCentral Storage 5.1, both the Operations Module and Data Module
install by default. CommandCentral Storage now includes the following types of
■ Management Server
Getting started with the CommandCentral family
About Veritas CommandCentral Storage