■ CommandCentralEnterprise Reporter:Providesa globalviewof storageassets
mappedto yourorganization,business insightaboutinventory andutilization,
on-demand customized reporting, and personalized dashboards.
For more information, refer to the following:
See “About Veritas CommandCentral Enterprise Reporter” on page 20.
About Veritas CommandCentral Storage
Veritas CommandCentral Storage by Symantec represents an entire storage
resource management (SRM) solution, giving you what you need to manage your
storage infrastructure more effectively. It gives you the following capabilities:
■ Offersa singleconsolefrom whichdatacenter administratorsdeploy,manage,
and expand a multi-vendor networked storage environment. The
CommandCentral Storage Console seamlessly integrates performance and
policy management, storage provisioning, and zoning capabilities to ensure
that the storage infrastructure runs as efficiently as possible. The Console
enables users to set policies that automate notification, recovery, and other
user-definable actions.
■ Discovers and tracks the utilization and allocation of storage resources down
to the disk level. The reporting features in CommandCentral Storage provide
a complete and detailed view intoprecisely how and where storage—for office
documents,files, applications,email,and databases—isusedinyour enterprise.
■ Shows usage trendsand makes forward projections. You cangather data both
locallyandremotely (throughamanagedhost). Thismeansyoucan getbaseline
information without huge deployment costs. Armed with this data, you can
do predictivemodeling to analyzethe return onyour storageinvestment. You
alsohavewhatyouneed toimplementaprogramofdepartmentalchargeback.
Using CommandCentral Storage together with other Symantec software, IT
managers have the tools they need to perform real, active, end-to-end storage
resource management and make strategic decisions about their future storage
By actively managing the entire data path from application to array,
CommandCentral Storage helps ensure optimal performance and availability of
business criticalapplications. CommandCentralStorage alsooffers customizable
policy-based management to automate notification, recovery, and other
user-definable actions.
Getting started with the CommandCentral family
About Veritas CommandCentral Storage