Push Install See CommandCentral Storage Agent Push Install Utility.
A technique for managing storage resources to fulfill predefined service-level
criteria. For each service level, or tier, policy rules are used to ensure the
appropriate level of availability and performance. Also called storage tiering.
qtree In NetApp unified storage devices, special subdirectory of the root of a volume
that acts as a virtual subvolume with special attributes.
RAID RedundantArrayof IndependentDisks.A setoftechniquesfor managingmultiple
disks for cost, data availability, and performance. See also mirroring or striping.
rank A storage virtualization object created from one or more IBM DS6000 or DS8000
storage arrays. The storage in ranks can be organized into extent pools. See also
extent pool storage array.
raw device mapping
A virtual disk that has a LUN directly assigned to its virtual machine without the
layer of a storage pool. In this situation, the LUN is fully dedicated to the virtual
machine. Additionally, the virtual disk and LUN have a one-to-one mapping.
rediscover An operation in which up-to-date status information about managed resources
is sent to the Management Server. The rediscover operation, which a
CommandCentral Storage operator can initiate through the Console, can be
performed for a single resource, for a device manager, or for an explorer.
resource Any of the individual components that work together to provide services on a
network. A resource may be a physical component such as a storage array or a
switch,asoftwarecomponentsuch asOracle8ioraWebserver,ora configuration
component such as an IP address or mounted file system.
resource type A wayof classifyingresources in acluster. Each resourceis identified byits name
and itsresource type.Veritas ClusterServer includes aset ofpredefined resource
types for storage, networking, and application services.
robotic library A collection of tapes controlled and managed through firmware.
router A device that connects two segments of a storage network and determines the
optimal path along which traffic should be forwarded. Also gateway. See also
SAN (storage area
Anetwork linkingserversor workstationstodevices, typicallyoverFibre Channel,
a versatile, high-speed transport. The storage area network (SAN) model places
storage on its own dedicated network, removing data storage from both the
server-to-diskSCSIbusandthemainusernetwork.The SANincludesoneormore
hosts that provide a point of interface with LAN users, as well as (in the case of
large SANs) one or more fabric switches and SAN hubs to accommodate a large
number of storage devices.
45CommandCentral Glossary