33Installing Symantec Critical System Protection on Windows
About installing Symantec Critical System Protection on Windows
Bypassing prerequisite checks
The Windows installation kit lets you bypass some of the prerequisite checks for
agent and management server installation. You can use this feature if you know
the installation kit is incorrectly failing a prerequisite.
When you use the bypass prerequisite checks feature, the installation kit
displays all errors and warnings about prerequisite check failures. However,
instead of terminating the installation, you may choose to continue.
When you run the installation kit in interactive mode, you are asked if you want
to continue. When you run the installation kit in silent mode, the prerequisite
failure is logged and the installation continues.
To enable the bypass prerequisite checks feature, do the following:
■ (Agent only) For silent installs, set the ENABLE_BYPASS_CHECKS variable
to a nonzero value.
■ For interactive installs, the presence of the file scsp-check-bypass.txt,
either in the installer directory or %temp% folder will confirm the bypass
The Windows installation kit does not remove the scsp-check-bypass.txt file
upon successful installation.
You can bypass the following checks when installing the Symantec Critical
System Protection agent:
■ Agent install disk space checks that are performed apart from MSI engine
■ Service user account (allow domain users or local users even though the
installer can not confirm the required rights and privileges)
■ Existence of AppFire 4.5
You can bypass the following checks when installing the Symantec Critical
System Protection management server:
■ Existence of AppFire 4.5
■ Disk space checks
■ User privilege and rights check for service user account
■ MDAC version