
83Installing UNIX agents
Installing an agent in silent mode
Use the -silent option and other options to perform a silent installation.
The following command string shows an example of a silent installation:
./agent-aix.bin -silent -prefix=/opt/Symantec
-server= -cert=/var/tmp/agent-cert.ssl -agentport=443
-poll=<sec> 300 The polling interval, in seconds, that the
agent uses to poll the management
server for policy updates.
-svcport=<port> 2323 This installation setting supports the
policy override tool for Solaris and
Linux. You use the policy override tool to
override prevention policy enforcement.
You can change this value during silent
install using the -svcport switch.
-disableIps Enable Indicates whether to enable intrusion
prevention for Solaris or Linux agents.
When enabled, the prevention features
of Symantec Critical System Protection
are enabled for the agent. The IPS
drivers are loaded on the agent
computer, and the agent accepts
prevention policies from the
management console.
To disable intrusion prevention, include
the -disableIps installation option in the
command string.
If you disable intrusion prevention and
want to enable it in the future, you must
run the sisipsconfig.exe tool in the
\Agent\IPS\bin directory with the -i
option, and restart the computer. The -i
option toggles the intrusion prevention
service on and off.
Symantec strongly recommends that
you enable intrusion prevention.
Table 4-2 UNIX agent installation settings
Setting Default Description