81Installing UNIX agents
Installing an agent in silent mode
-cert=<file> /tmp/agent-cert.ssl The directory location of the SSL
certificate file, agent-cert.ssl, obtained
from the Symantec Critical System
Protection management server
installation directory.
You must copy this file from the
management server to the specified
location before starting the installation.
All primary and alternate management
servers must use the same certificate
-agentname=<name> Host name of agent
The name of the agent computer.
After installation, you can change the
agent name through the management
POSIX Symantec Critical System Protection
agent locale setting.
-comCfgGrp=<group> none The name of an existing common
configuration group for this agent to
The group must exist and appear in the
management console.
-ipsCfgGrp=<group> none The name of an existing prevention
configuration group for this agent to
The group must exist and appear in the
management console.
-ipsPolGrp=<group> none The name of an existing prevention
policy group for this agent to join.
The group must exist and appear in the
management console.
-idsCfgGrp=<group> none The name of an existing detection
configuration group for this agent to
The group must exist and appear in the
management console.
Table 4-2 UNIX agent installation settings
Setting Default Description