TDS 620A, 640A & 644A User Manual
Mode, 2Ć27ć2Ć28
Independent, 2Ć27ć2Ć28
Tracking, 2Ć28
Paired, 2Ć27, 3Ć15
Vertical bar, 2Ć27, 3Ć15
CURSOR button, 3Ć17
Cursor menu, 3Ć17, 3Ć40, 3Ć144
1/seconds (Hz), 3Ć19
Amplitude Units, 3Ć19
Base, 3Ć19
Function, 3Ć17, 3Ć18
H Bars, 3Ć17, 3Ć18
Independent, 3Ć18
IRE (NTSC), 3Ć19
seconds, 3Ć19
Time Units, 3Ć19
Tracking, 3Ć18
Video Line Number, 3Ć19
Cursor readout
HĆBars, 3Ć40, 3Ć141, 3Ć145
Paired, 3Ć141
Paired cursors, 3Ć41, 3Ć145
VĆBars, 3Ć40, 3Ć141, 3Ć145
Cursor Readouts, 3Ć16
Cursor Speed, 3Ć19
Cursors, 2Ć27, 3Ć15ć3Ć19, GlossaryĆ2
with derivative waveforms, 3Ć141
with FFT waveforms, 3Ć40
with integral waveforms, 3Ć144
Cycle area, 3Ć83, GlossaryĆ3
Cycle mean, 3Ć83, GlossaryĆ3
Cycle RMS, 3Ć83, GlossaryĆ3
DANGER, statement on equipment, xi
On hardcopies, 3Ć60
To set, 3Ć60
DC coupling, 2Ć16, GlossaryĆ3
DC offset, 3Ć44
for DC correction of FFTs, 3Ć44
with math waveforms, 3Ć44, 3Ć146
DC, Main Trigger menu, 3Ć33
Define Inputs, Main Trigger menu,
3Ć79, 3Ć81
Define Logic, Main Trigger menu,
3Ć79, 3Ć82
Delay by Events, Delayed Trigger
menu, 3Ć23
Delay by Time, Delayed Trigger
menu, 3Ć23
Delay by, Delayed Trigger menu, 3Ć23
Delay measurement, 3Ć90, GlossaryĆ3
Delay time, GlossaryĆ3
Delay To, Measure Delay menu, 3Ć90
Delayed Only, Horizontal menu, 3Ć21
Delayed Runs After Main, 2Ć18
Delayed Runs After Main, Horizontal
menu, 3Ć21, 3Ć68
Delayed Scale, Horizontalmenu, 3Ć68
DELAYED TRIG button, 2Ć18, 3Ć23
Delayed trigger, 2Ć18, 3Ć20ć3Ć25
Delayed Trigger menu, 3Ć23ć3Ć25
Ch1, Ch2 ..., 3Ć24
Coupling, 3Ć24
Delay by, 3Ć23
Delay by Events, 3Ć23
Delay by Time, 3Ć23
Falling edge, 3Ć24
Level, 3Ć24
Rising edge, 3Ć24
Set to 50%, 3Ć25
Set to ECL, 3Ć24
Set to TTL, 3Ć24
Slope, 3Ć24
Source, 3Ć24
Delayed Triggerable, 2Ć18
Delayed Triggerable, Horizontal
menu, 3Ć23, 3Ć68
Delete Refs, Save/Recall Waveform
menu, 3Ć124
Delete, File Utilities menu, 3Ć54
Derivative math waveform, 3Ć139
applications, 3Ć139
derivation of, 3Ć139
procedure for displaying, 3Ć139
procedure for measuring, 3Ć140,
record length of, 3Ć139
Deskjet, 3Ć57
Deskjet, Hardcopy menu, 3Ć59
Differential active probes, 3Ć104
of a derivative, 3Ć139
waveform, 3Ć139
Digitizing, GlossaryĆ3
Digitizing rate, 1Ć1
Disk drive, 3Ć53ć3Ć56
Display, 2Ć6, 3Ć8
Options, 3Ć26ć3Ć31
Record View, 3Ć134
System, GlossaryĆ3
Display `T' @ Trigger Point, Display
menu, 3Ć28
DISPLAY button, 3Ć10, 3Ć10, 3Ć26
Display menu, 3Ć10, 3Ć26
Color, 3Ć10
Contrast, 3Ć27
Cross Hair, 3Ć29
Display, 3Ć26
Display `T' @ Trigger Point, 3Ć28
Dots, 3Ć27
Dots style, 3Ć72
Filter, 3Ć29
Format, 3Ć30
Frame, 3Ć29
Full, 3Ć29
Graticule, 3Ć29
Grid, 3Ć29
Infinite Persistence, 3Ć27
Intensified Samples, 3Ć27
Intensity, 3Ć27
Linear interpolation, 3Ć29
NTSC, 3Ć29
Overall, 3Ć27
PAL, 3Ć29
Readout, 3Ć28
Settings, 3Ć10, 3Ć26
Sin(x)/x interpolation, 3Ć29
Style, 3Ć26
Text/Grat, 3Ć27
Trigger Bar, 3Ć28
Variable Persistence, 3Ć27
Vectors, 3Ć27
Waveform, 3Ć27
XY, 3Ć30
YT, 3Ć30
Display, Display menu, 3Ć26
Display, Status menu, 3Ć130
Dots, 3Ć27
Dots style, Display menu, 3Ć72