Acquisition Modes
When you select Envelope or Average, you can enter the number of waveĆ
form records to be enveloped or averaged using the keypad or the general
purpose knob.
The digitizing oscilloscope interpolates between samples at horiĆ
zontal scale settings faster than 25 ns/div. See Sampling and
Digitizing on page 2Ć19 for a discussion of interpolation.
Stop After
You can choose to acquire exactly one waveform sequence or to acquire
waveforms continuously under manual control.
Press SHIFT ACQUIRE MENU ➞ Stop After (main) ➞ RUN/STOP button
only, Single Acquisition Sequence,orLimit Test Condition Met (side)
(see Figure 3Ć3).
Figure 3Ć3:ăAcquire Menu Ċ Stop After
H RUN/STOP button only (side) lets you start or stop acquisitions by
toggling the RUN/STOP button. Pressing the RUN/STOP button once
will stop the acquisitions. The upper left hand corner in the display will
say Stopped and show the number of acquisitions. If you press the
button again, the digitizing oscilloscope will resume taking acquisitions.