In the Getting Started and Reference sections, you will find various proceĆ
dures which contain steps of instructions for you to perform. To keep those
instructions clear and consistent, this manual uses the following convenĆ
H In procedures, names of front panel controls and menu labels appear in
boldface print.
H FrontĆpanel and menu names also appear in the same upper and lower
case as is used on the oscilloscope. Front panel names are all upper
case letters, such as, VERTICAL MENU, and CH 1.
H Instruction steps are numbered. The number is omitted if there is only
one step.
H When steps require that you make a sequence of selections using
frontĆpanel controls and menu buttons, an arrow ( ➞
) marks each
transition between a frontĆpanel button and a menu, or between menus.
Also, whether a name is a main menu or side menu item is clearly
indicated: Press VERTICAL MENU ➞ Coupling (main) ➞ DC (side) ➞
Bandwidth (main) ➞ 100 MHz (side).
Using the convention just described results in instructions that are
graphically intuitive and simplifies procedures. For example, the instrucĆ
tion just given replaces these five steps:
1. Press the front panel button VERTICAL MENU.
2. Press the main menu button Coupling.
3. Press the sideĆmenu button DC.
4. Press the main menu button Bandwidth.
5. Press the side menu button 100 MHz.
H Sometimes you may have to make a selection from a popup menu:
Press TRIGGER MENU ➞ Type (main) ➞ Edge (popup). In this examĆ
ple, you repeatedly press the main menu button Type until Edge is
highlighted in the popĆup menu.