
Symbol Meaning
Value in repeat counter loaded by RPT instructions
Value in string register STR
OF Overflow flag
offset[n] n bit offset from a reference register.
OM Overflow mode
PC Program counter, 16 bits
pma[n] n bit program memory address. For example, pma8 means 8-bit program memory address. If n is
not specified, defaults to pma16.
port[n] n bit I/O port address. Certain instructions multiply this port address by 4.
PH Product high register, 16 bits
PL Product low register, 16 bits (cannot be read/written directly)
R Rx register treated as a general purpose register. This bit is not related to any addressing mode.
RCF Register carry flag
Rx Indirect register x where x = 0..7
RZF Register zero flag
s Represents string mode if 1, otherwise normal mode.
SF Sign flag
STAT Status register, 17 bits
STR String register, 8 bits
SV Shift value register, 4 bits
TAG Memory tag
TF1 Test flag 1
TF2 Test flag 2
TOS Top of stack register, 16 bits
UM Unsigned mode
w Word(s) taken by instruction
x Dont care
XM Extended sign mode
XSF Transfer (TX) sign flag
XZF Transfer (TX) zero flag
ZF Zero flag