
Individual Instruction Descriptions
Description Copy value of src to dest. Premodification of accumulator pointers is allowed
with some operand types.
Syntax Description
MOV An[~], {adrs} [, next A] Move data memory word to An[~]
MOV {adrs}, An[~] [, next A] Move An[~] word to data memory
MOV An[~], imm16 [, next A] Move immediate word to An[~]
MOV MR, imm16 [, next A] Move immediate word to multiply register
MOV An, An~ [, next A] Move An~ word to An
MOV An~, An [, next A] Move An word to An~
MOV An[~], PH [, next A] Move product high reg to An[~]
MOV SV, An[~] [, next A] Move lower 4 bits of An[~] to SV register
MOV PH, An[~] [, next A] Move An[~] to PH register
MOV MR, An[~] [, next A] Move An[~] to MR register in signed multiplier mode
MOV An[~], *An[~] [, next A] Move program memory word at *An[~] to An[~]
MOV {adrs}, Rx Move Rx word to data memory
MOV Rx, {adrs} Move data memory word to Rx
MOV Rx, imm16 Move immediate word to Rx
MOV Rx, R5 Move R5 to Rx
MOV PH, {adrs} Move data memory word to product high (PH) register
MOV MR, {adrs} Move data memory word to MR, set multiplier signed mode
MOV {adrs}, *An Move ROM word at *An to data memory
MOV APn, {adrs} Move data memory word (lower 6 bits)to APn register
MOV STAT, {adrs} Move data memory word to status register (STAT)
MOV SV, {adrs}
Move data memory value (lower 4 bits) to shift value (SV) register
MOV TOS, {adrs} Move data memory word to top of stack (TOS)
MOV {adrs}, PH Move product high (PH) register to data memory
MOV {adrs}, MR Move Multiplier register (MR) to data memory
MOV {adrs}, STAT Move status register (STAT) to data memory
MOV {adrs}, STR Move string register (STR) byte to data memory
MOV {adrs}, DP Move data pointer (DP) to data memory
MOV {adrs}, SV Move shift value (SV) (4 bits) to data memory
MOV {adrs}, APn Move APn register to data memory
MOV STR, {adrs}
Move data memory byte to string register (STR)
MOV {adrs}, TOS Move top of stack (TOS) to data memory word
MOV TFn, {flagadrs} Move data flag to TFn in STAT register
MOV {flagadrs}, TFn Move TFn from STAT register to memory flag
MOV TFn, {cc} [, Rx] Load logic value of test condition to TFn bit in STAT register
MOV SV, imm4 Move immediate value to shift value (SV) register