Individual Instruction Descriptions
4-171Assembly Language Instructions
4.14.75 SHLTPLS Shift Left String and Transfer PL to Accumulator
[label] name dest, src Clock, clk Word, w With RPT, clk Class
SHLTPLS An, {adrs} Table 4–46 Table 4–46 1b
SHLTPLS An[~], An[~] n
+3 1 n
+3 3
Execution PH, PL ⇐ src << SV
dest ⇐ PL
PC ⇐ PC + 1
Flags Affected OF, SF, ZF, CF are set accordingly
src is {adrs}: TAG bit is set accordingly
Instructions 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
SHLTPLS An, {adrs}
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 An adrs
x dma16 (for direct) or offset16 (long relative) [see section 4.13]
SHLTPLS An[~], An[~] 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 An 1 1 0 1 0 0 A~ ~A
Description Shift left accumulator string or data memory string pointed at by {adrs} by n
bits (as specified by the SV register). The result is zero-filled on the right and
either zero-filled or sign-extended on the left (based on the setting of the
Extended Sign Mode (XM) bit in the status register). The upper 16 bits are
latched into the PH register. The result is transferred to the destination
accumulator (or its offset). This instruction propagates the shifted bits to the
next accumulator, including one accumulator past the string length (which
receives the same data as PH).
Syntax Description
SHLTPLS An, {adrs} Shift data memory string left, transfer result to An
SHLTPLS An[~], An[~] Shift An[~] string left, transfer result to An[~]
Example SHLTPLS A0, *R4++R5
Shift the string pointed by the byte address stored in R4 by n
bits to the left, and store the result in
accumulator string A0. Add R5 to R4 and store result in R4. After execution of the instruction, PH is
copied to the next to the last accumulator of the string.
Example SHLTPLS A2, *R1++
Shift the string pointed by the byte address stored in R1 by n
bits to the left, and store the result in
accumulator string A0. Increment R1 (by 2) at each execution to get the next memory value.
Example SHLTPLS A1, A1
Shift the accumulator string A1 by n
bits to the left.