LearningCheck™ Creator 167
d) Type the question leaving out the answer—don't type a
e) Click the place you wish to put the blank and then click
Create Blank.
f) Type the answer in the Response Text box.
The LearningCheck™ Creator places the answer in the Question
Text box with a frame around it and displays the text in the List
of Possible Responses.
7. To remove a blank, click the blank and then click Remove Blank.
8. Click the type of Response (Text, Number, or Pull Down).
For text responses, the Text button is automatically selected and the
number of characters contained in the word you placed in the blank
is automatically entered into Field Length and Maximum Characters.
For numeric responses, click the Number button.
To create a pull-down list of responses, click the Pull Down button.
Note: If you want to make the blank longer so that the size of the
blank does not reveal the answer, change Field Length to a larger
9. If the question will include an image, insert the image into the
Image area.
Note: If you create fill in the blank questions for the TI-73 Explorer™
calculator, the following characters available on computer keyboards are
not displayable on TI-73 Explorer™ devices: | (vertical bar), ` (accent
mark), \ (backward slash), ~ (tilde), @, #, $, &, _ (underscore), and
; (semicolon). Take care that the questions you create do not require any
of these characters in the correct responses.
Creating a question with a numeric blank
1. Create a fill in the blank question and complete steps 1 through 4c.
2. In the Response area, click Number.
The lower portion of the dialog box changes to reveal boxes for
Number Tolerance and Range.