182 LearningCheck™ Creator
• Click the question template icon.
3. Double-click to open the question.
4. Complete the dialog box for the question type you created. For
additional information about specific items, click the appropriate
cross-reference listed below.
5. Click OK.
Editing a question
To edit an existing question
1. Double-click the question to open it.
2. To change text, highlight the text you wish to change and type the
new text over it.
3. To delete text, highlight the text and press the Delete key on your
computer keyboard.
4. Click OK.
Editing a document in a zipped file
The LearningCheck™ Creator lets you see the files in a zipped file (.TIP,
.TIG, or .ZIP) and open a document from the zipped file. It is not
necessary to unzip the file before you open the document.
To open a document in a zipped file
1. Click File > Open or click .
2. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder that contains the file.
3. Click the filename.
4. Click Open.
The zipped file opens. You can see the documents in the zipped file.
5. Click the document name.
6. Click Open.
The document opens ready for editing in LearningCheck™ Creator.
Note: You can also select and open images from the zipped file.
To save a document from a zipped file
When you edit a document from a zipped file, you cannot save the
changes in the zipped file. You must save the document to a different