242 The Class Analysis Tool
Device ID – The unique identifier of the specific calculator from which
answers were collected (available in the Class Summary view only).
Maximum Score – The highest number of points that can be earned for
an item (available in the Class Summary and Student views only).
Score –
In the Class Summary view, the number of points earned for an item or
for all items.
In the Student view, the number of points earned by the current student
for each item.
In the Item view, the number of points earned for the current item by
each student.
% Score –
In the Class Summary view, the student’s score for the entire assignment
divided by the maximum score possible for the entire assignment,
expressed as a percentage. This value can be greater than 100%.
In the Student view, the current student’s score on an individual item
divided by the maximum score possible for that item, expressed as a
percentage. This value can be greater than 100%.
Student – The name that the student used to “sign” the assignment on
the calculator.
Student Answer – The text of the answer typed or selected by the
student for an item.
Student Response – The sequential identifier (such as 1, 2, 3 or a, b, c)
of the student’s response to a multiple-choice item.