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Document sengs dialog box
With dialog boxes it is important to remember
that you need to press e to move through
the various opons.
The eect of changed sengs
In Approximate mode
all results are shown as
decimals rather than
The mode sengs for a document can be changed using the
document sengs dialog box: press
c521 or ~721 or
Click on the icon then press 21
Noce that here the rst box is outlined bold, showing that
Display Digits is selected. Press ¤ to see the range of opons
for xed or oang decimal places. Change to the seng
, by highlighng it and then moving to the next box
using e.
In the second box, change the angle seng to and in
the h box choose .
Then press · again to apply the new sengs to your
You can check the angle seng by hovering the cursor over
the symbol.
Do some calculaons to see the eect of these changes
before returning to the default sengs, ,
and .