Page 54 © 2012 Texas Instruments Educaon Technology
• Open a new page.
• Type column headings for columns A to D.
• Click in the funcon entry line in column A (grey cell just
below the heading).
• From the Data menu choose .
Type and press ·. This will capture values of the
radius in column A.
• Repeat for the other variables in columns B to D.
• Check that the data that appear are the same as the
current measurements on the previous page.
• Open a Data & Stascs page.
• Choose the variable for the horizontal axis and
for the vercal axis.
• So far there is only one data pair and one point for the
Scaer Plot.
• Open another page.
• Choose the variable for the horizontal axis and area
for the vercal axis.
• Return to the page.
• Click and drag on the circumference of the circle to move
it in and out just a lile bit.
• Review the amount of data you have collected in the
• Review the relaonships shown on the two scaer plots.
• You may need to update the window sengs using
the opon from the Window/Zoom
menu - b52.
Beginning to capture data
Seng up a scaer plot
Data capture is under way