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Ready to add a 2
Powerful opons in the Analyse menu
Translang the line Rotang the line
Move towards one end of the line to show
the rotate cursor. Click and hold x to grab it.
Use the Touchpad to rotate the line.
Click again x to release the cursor.
Move to the middle of the line to get the
translate cursor. Click and hold x to grab it.
Now move the line into posion. Click again
x to release the cursor.
Create a new page.
Noce both axes are marked Click to add variable.
As before select for the horizontal axis.
Move the cursor to the le edge of the screen, click x and
select the variable for the vercal axis.
This displays the scaerplot.
It may be that there is a posive correlaon and a relaonship
between hand span and shoe size, so it may be appropriate
to model this relaonship with a linear funcon. The Analyze
menu provides a range of tools to use.
First try adding a line of best t by eye, using opon
. This displays a straight line together
with a funconal relaonship between mshoe and mhand.
The line can be dragged into a best-t posion using the two
cursors for rotate and translate, in exactly the same way as
a straight line can be moved manually in the Graphs and
Geometry applicaons.