
Appendix I: Log and SNMP Trap Numbers Datacryptor Ethernet User Manual
Page 124 THALES
Log Type Code Trap
Severity Message Information
Audit 19 719 Informational Encrypt mode configured
Audit 20 720 Informational Standby mode configured by
Audit 21 721 Informational Plain mode configured by
Audit 22 722 Informational Encrypt mode configured by
Audit 23 723 Major System startup
Audit 24 724 Informational Logs cleared
Audit 25 725 Informational DLCI configuration updated
Audit 26 726 Informational DCLI target configuration
Audit 27 727 Informational E1 timeslot configuration
Audit 28 728 Informational T1 timeslot configuration
Audit 29 729 Major Failed to confirm setting
peer encrypt mode
Audit 30 730 Major Failed to confirm setting
peer plain mode
Audit 31 731 Major Failed to confirm setting
peer standby mode
Audit 32 732 Informational Timeslot to Bundle
assignment changed
Audit 33 816 Minor Unknown NUA Logged
Audit 34 817 Minor X.25 DTE Link Restart
Audit 35 818 Minor X.25 DCE Link Restart
Audit 36 819 Minor X.25 DTE Link Up
Audit 37 820 Minor X.25 DCE Link Up
Audit 38 821 Minor X.25 DTE Link Down
Audit 39 822 Minor X.25 DCE Link Down
Audit 40 823 Minor Peer NUA Added
Audit 41 824 Informational Peer NUA Deleted
Audit 42 825 Informational Units own NUA Set
Audit 43 826 Informational Bar Unknown NUA's
Audit 44 827 Informational Accept Unknown NUA's
Audit 45 828 Informational Units own NUA learnt