Datacryptor Ethernet User Manual Element Manager Reference
1270A450-005 - June 2008 Page 37
To connect to a Datacryptor unit:
1. Double-click its icon.
2. Once the connection has been made, the Front Panel Viewer will be displayed showing
information read from the unit. This dialog provides access to all the Datacryptor unit
management facilities described throughout this guide.
3. To disconnect from the Datacryptor unit, click the Close button in its Front Panel Viewer.
To delete a Datacryptor unit from the system, select its icon and press Del, or select the
File/Delete Unit menu option or click on the Delete button on the Toolbar. This displays a
confirmation dialog first.
To change an icon's description, IP address, or connection method:
1. Select the icon and select the Edit/Edit Unit menu option or press F2. This displays the
Edit Unit dialog:
2. Edit the name, IP address or connection method and click OK or press Enter.
Note: The type of unit cannot be changed, if you want to change the unit type it will
have to be deleted and re-added.
There is also a pop-up menu for manipulating Datacryptor icons, displayed by “right-clicking”
on the icon. The options are:
• Open - opens a session with that unit (like double-clicking on it)
• Edit - edit the unit's descriptive name or IP address (like the Edit/Edit Unit menu option)
• Delete - deletes the icon from the system (like the File/Delete Unit menu option)