
Datacryptor Ethernet User Manual Preface
1270A450-005 - June 2008 Page 5
1 Preface
Trademark Acknowledgements
Datacryptor is a trademark of Thales e-Security.
Microsoft Windows
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2003 are registered trademarks of Microsoft
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©2006-2008 Thales e-Security. All rights reserved.
Copyright in this document is the property of Thales e-Security. It is not to be
reproduced, modified, adapted, published, translated in any material form (including
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Thales e-Security reserves the right to modify or revise all or part of this document
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Revision Status
Revision Changes Release Date
1270A450-001 First Issue March 2006
1270A450-002 Release 1.1 August 2006
1270A450-003 10 Gig Ethernet unit added and Updates
for product release 4.00
November 2007
1270A450-004 100 Mb Ethernet unit added March 2008
1270A450-005 Unsupported features in the 10Gig
Ethernet unit: Auto-negotiation; Disabling
CTS mode; Fragmentation
June 2008