50 Installing User Software on a Windows Computer
3. Enter the appropriate information for the GA-1040.
Nickname—Enter a name for the GA-1040. This name can be any name you wish; it
does not have to match the actual Server Name of the GA-1040.
NOTE: The nickname cannot contain any of the following seven characters:
[ ] _ " ' <space> <tab>
Protocol—Choose the type of network protocol you are using from the pop-up menu.
NOTE: Command WorkStation software is supported on Windows 95/98/Me,
Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000 over TCP/IP only.
Server Name—If you are using the TCP/IP protocol, enter the IP address (or DNS
name) of the GA-1040.
New Device—Enter the name of the device the GA-1040 is connected to:GA-1040.
4. When you have entered all the information, click Add.
5. With the device name (GA-1040) selected in the Devices list, click OK.
The GA-1040 appears in the list of available servers. The first line of the entry displays
the nickname you gave the server, followed by the protocol you chose. The second line
displays the device name.
6. With the device name (GA-1040) selected in the list of Available servers, click OK
to begin using the software.
Device Name of the GA-1040