64 Installing User Software on a Mac OS Computer
3. To find all GA-1040s within a specified IP range, enter an IP Address in the From IP
field, and an IP address in the To IP field and click the arrow button.
Repeat step 3 for each range of IP addresses you would like to search.
To remove an IP range from the list, select the range in the IP Range/Subnet Addr.
window and click the Remove button.
You can also search for the GA-1040 using a range of subnet values. For more
information see “To configure the connection for Fiery Link using an
advanced subnet search” on page 66.
4. Click Search.
When the search is complete, all Fierys found appear in the Available Fierys area of the
dialog box.
If the GA-1040 was not found, and you would like to search again using the same
parameters, click Refresh.
NOTE: Only Fierys that support Fiery Link appear in the Available Fierys area.