
58 LonTalk Communication Interface • ACC-SVN100A-EN
Troubleshooting the LCI-C Installation
Table 1 gives a list of diagnostics and their explanation. The diagnostics (printed in italics)
will appear in both Tracer AdaptiView™ or Tracer™ TU.
Table 5. Troubleshooting the LCI-C installation
Symptom or Diagnostic Probable Cause Action
Chiller is not using setpoints sent by
Chiller is in Local mode. Check the Setpoint Source on the AdaptiView (front
panel). It must be BAS/Ext/FP on the AdaptiView in
order for the chiller to use remote setpoints.
Check that the network variable nvoChillerStat.local
has a value of 0, which means Remote. A value of 1
means Local.
LCI-C Software Mismatch: Use BAS
Application software does
not match chiller type.
Flash download correct applicationapplication
software as described in the section, “Hardware
Installation,” p. 8
Comm Loss: Local BAS Interface Machine bus communication
was lost between the Tracer
UC800 controller and the
Check wire connection between the LCI-C and the
Machine bus.
Start Tracer TU.
Go to Binding View and make sure the LCI-C is still
Replace the LCI-C hardware and repeat the
installation process in the section, “Hardware
Installation,” p. 8
Waiting for BAS Communication No heartbeated network
variable inputs have yet
been received through
LonTalk after power-up of
the LCI-C LLID. If they are
not received within a
specified time, diagnostic
status becomes BAS Failed
to Establish
Check to make sure that the BAS system is setup to
communicate with LCI-C. Otherwise, simply wait
until communication is established or BAS Failed to
Establish Communication appears.
BAS Failed to Establish
No heartbeated network
variable inputs have been
received within the specified
time after startup.
LonTalk communication line wiring
That BAS is still trying to communicate with LCI-C
BAS Communication Lost Valid LonTalk message not
received within a specified
LonTalk communication line wiring
That BAS is still trying to communicate with LCI-C
The Trane LCI-C has a receive heartbeat functionality that can determine if communication is lost with the BAS system.
This functionality is enabled using the heartbeat configuration variable (nciRcvHrtBt).
The LCI-C Extension has the receive heartbeat functionality disabled as a default. (nciRcvHrtBt = 0 seconds).
Not all BAS systems use receive heartbeat functionality. Since LCI-C Extension has the receive heartbeat disabled, it
accommodates those BAS systems that choose not to use this LonTalk feature. These diagnostics will never appear. If
the receive heartbeat is enabled (nciRcvHrtBt has a value other than zero), then the diagnostic can appear even if the
non-Trane BAS system is able to read status and send values to the LCI-C.
The Tracer Summit System uses the receive heartbeat functionality and will automatically enable it upon installation
by setting nciRcvHrtBt to 900 seconds (15 minutes). This then allows the LCI-C to know when communication is lost.
Communication is recognized as lost when none of the network variable inputs have been written to within nciRcvHrtBt
time that was set. It doesn't matter what value is written. The same value can be written over and over.