Dear Sproutman: I’m very busy. I don’t have time to change the
water in the water barrel daily. Must I change it?—B. Zeeh
I know you’re busy, but sprouts want fresh, clean, pure water, just
like people. If you miss a day, in most cases, the sprouts will do ne. But if
there are problems, then you should change the water once each day. Hy-
drogen peroxide and grapefruit seed extract are helpful in reducing bacterial
growth. ey increase the probability that your crops will survive missed wa-
ter changes. (Read “About Mold,” p.12) But when there are problems, return to
the proper method. A delicious, healthy crop of fresh greens is worth it.
You can also tell when the water needs changing by looking at its
foaminess or darkened color. But as the sprouts mature, the water stays clean-
er longer. So, if you need to skip your watering chores for a day, do it when
the sprouts are a little further along.
Dear Sproutman: Is there any way I can grow more than one variety
at a time? –Manny ypes
Yes! ere are three ways.
1) Each sprouting tray has four sections to it. Ridges separate the
sections. If you lay dierent seed varieties into each section, you
can grow up to four dierent avors on a single tray.
2) You can also add a second
sprouting barrel to your
Freshlife and put dierent
varieties in each level. is
eectively doubles your output
and enables a rotation cycle
that ensures there is always
a “ready-to-eat’ crop.
3) Finally, you can mix a few
varieties and grow them together.
Our favorite mixture is
Sproutman’s Garden Mix
which contains alfalfa, clover,
radish, and cabbage sprouts.
Above, 4 flavors are laid out and ready
to sprout. Up to 4 compatible varieties of
seeds can be grown on the same tray.