Dear Sproutman: My sprinkler head keeps falling o its post. What’s
that about? –O.F. Hedd
Your head is clogged… your sprinkler head, that is! Switch sprinkler
heads and clean the clogged one. (See instructions on p. 10)
Dear Sproutman: Try as I might,
I nd it dicult to t the sprouting
barrel on top of the water barrel.
Why? –Kent Seete.
Because… the sprouter barrel
green tube was forced so deep into
the hole, there was no room for the
water barrel’s pressure tube to seat itself!
Li the barrel o, take out the
green water tube, reseat the barrel and
replace the tube.
Dear Sproutman: I took o the cover to get more light, but now
Freshlife is sprinkling water on my kitchen counter. What can I do?
What a blessing. You’ve got great water pressure! Most people don’t’
have enough! If your Freshlife sprays water over the edge of lid, reduce the
water pressure by opening the opening on the water pressure tube. Review
the steps for adjusting the water pressure tube on page 10.
Ten inch tall buckwheat sprouts growing in the
Freshlife sprouter.