1. Examine your New Freshlife
Rinse your new Freshlife Sprouter and all its parts. Make sure you have all the
parts listed on page 6.
2. Prepare your Seeds
Wash the sprouting tray in hot tap water. Examine your seeds and remove
any foreign matter. For best results, we recommend new Freshlife owners
start with mung, alfalfa, or clover seeds. Cover the tray with seeds. For small
seeds like alfalfa, 5-6 tbsp of seeds yields a full tray or approximately 1 lb. of
sprouts. For other seed amounts, see chart p.11. Pre-soaking of seeds is not
required in the Freshlife.
3. Spread the Seeds on the Tray
Place the sprouter barrel on your counter
and insert the black sprout tray into the
barrel, smooth side up. Pour the seeds
onto the tray and spread evenly.
Caution: Try to prevent small seeds like
alfalfa from falling over the outer edge.
Place the second black sprouter tray on
top of the seeds, also smooth side up.
Insert the green water tube (connect 2 pieces
to make about 5 inches long) securely into
the hole in the centerof the barrel. Make
sure the hole and tube are clear of seeds.
Remove the top sprouter tray a couple days
before harvest time (see chart pg.11).
is is generally when the sprouts are
ready to turn green or when they
become 2-3 inches tall.
Spread the seeds out evenly on the bottom
sprouter tray.
Add the second black tray on top of the
seeds creating a seed sandwich.
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