MX4428 MXP Engineering /Technical Manual Document: LT0273
MXP Diagnostic Terminal
Page 8-2 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
The MXP provides diagnostic functions via its serial port (J5) with a terminal or PC
connected. Commands may be entered which :
• Display the analogue values (Raw values, Filtered values, etc) of selected devices.
• Select devices for such display.
• Display and reset error counters.
• Determine all the devices and their types, as seen from each end of the loop.
• Change an addressable device’s address.
• Perform advanced diagnostics.
The MXP diagnostic serial port operates at 19200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. A
3-wire cable is needed and it is wired the same as the MX4428 FIP programming terminal
cable. This needs either a DB9 or DB25 connector and can be ordered as fully assembled
cables using part numbers LM0042 (DB25) and LM0041 (DB9).
To utilise the colour logging facility an ANSI terminal emulator mode is required. Hyperterm
and Accuterm are suitable for Windows and Procomm is suitable for DOS. For simple
applications where logging to disk and scroll-back are not required mxpprog32 can be used
with Windows and mxpprog can be used with DOS – these are included in SF0250.
To see the menu of commands available, type H <Enter> HE <Enter>or HELP <Enter>.
Currently, this will produce the following-
*** MXP monitor version 1.02 (c)2000 ***
H : this help
AH : advanced help
-------- Point Logging Commands -------------
CO : Colour toggle (requires ANSI terminal emulation)
SP n m : select points n to m, n&m optional
SP : show selected points
SPA : select all points
CP n m : clear points n to m, n&m optional
CPA : clear all points
P : alternate for SP
-------- General Diagnostic Commands --------
ST : Display General Status
STANDALONE n : standalone operation, heat threshold=n
-------- NOSEx loop diagnostics -------------
TC : NOSEx comms error count display
EC n m : NOSEx comms detailed error count display
RS : NOSEx comms error count reset
DP : Do diagnostics poll
CA x y : Change address of device old address x to new address y
Before the MXP can display analog values received from points, the user must select the
points to be monitored (i.e. include in the monitoring list). This is done using the following
commands –