MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual Document: LT0273
Responder Loop Design Considerations
Page 2-6 24 March 2006 Issue 1.5
So far only input devices have been considered. To continue our example for output
devices, if the MX4428 Master generated an output command, via output logic, to turn on
R1/1, then the MXP would activate all output devices associated with that relay, that is, in
this case, all 3.
The System Designer should be aware of the following MX4428 characteristics before
proceeding with the design .....
(i) While the MX4428 with MXP capability can support up to 16 x 200 (3,200) points (i.e.
addressable devices), the Master unit has a maximum of 528 zones with which to
indicate the status of the system.
The 528 zones may be used to display the status of either an "alarm zone",
representing the status of a particular sub-section of the area to be monitored, or an
"ancillary control zone" (ACZ), representing the status of an output controlled by the
MX4428 system.
The Point Text expansion option can be used to extend this capability. Refer to the
F4000 Point Text Installation and Operation Manual (LT0228) for further information.
(ii) FIP zone indicators are controlled according to the zone’s status, which is generated
from the mapped circuit status. That is, the 4 circuits monitored by each of the 127
logical responders can control a maximum of 4 x 127 = 508 unique zones.
The point handling capability of an MX4428 system requiring individual LED
indicators per monitored point is therefore reduced to 508.
Therefore, the more individual LED indications that the FIP must show for each MXP
the more logical responders that MXP must represent.
Every additional 4 zones that must be indicated for the addressable devices on an
MXP incurs a cost of 1 additional logical responder (i.e. MX4428 responder loop
(iii) For the same reasons as given in (ii) above, the more individually controllable output
devices the MXP must drive and control from logic, the more logical responders the
MXP must represent.