Document: LT0273 MX4428 MXP Engineering / Technical Manual
Device Information and Programming
Issue 1.5 24 March 2006 Page 3-3
The standard base for use with the 814 detectors is:
MUB Minerva Universal Base (4”)
5B Minerva Universal Base (5”)
The following special purpose bases may also be used.
5BI Isolator Base
814RB Relay Base
814SB Sounder Base
MkII Sounder Base
(802SB, 812SB, 901SB,
and 912SB)
Sounder Base
The 814RB and 814SB may be plugged into an MUB, 5B or a 5BI, or mounted directly on a
wall / ceiling.
Note that none of the bases are addressable devices. The functional bases (814RB, 814SB,
and MkII Sounder Base) are controlled by the MXP via the detector which is plugged into
The devices above marked as “Input/Output” are always inputs, but may also be used as
outputs via the Remote Indicator output and the signal to the 814RB, 814SB, and MkII
Sounder Base functional bases. The output functionality is programmable and not
necessarily related to the input status.
The devices which have a remote LED output may drive a Tyco E500Mk2 remote LED. The
functionality of this LED is programmable and it does not necessarily follow the local LED.
A brief description of the capabilities of each device follows:
a) 814I Analogue Ionisation Smoke Detector
This unit uses an ionisation chamber (with a small radioactive source) to detect airborne
particles of combustion products.
b) 814H Analogue Heat Detector
This detector incorporates a temperature sensor. The temperature sensor processing may
be programmed as Type A (rate of rise plus fixed temperature = 63°C), Type B (fixed
temperature only = 63°C), Type C (rate of rise plus fixed temperature = 93°C), or Type D
(fixed temperature only = 93°C). Type A, B, C or D operation is programmable at the
MX4428 panel.
c) 814PH Analogue Photoelectric Smoke Detector + Heat Detector
This unit uses light scattering to detect airborne particles of combustion products, and in
addition incorporates a temperature sensor. The heat function may be programmed in the
same way as for the 814H detector.
d) 814P Analogue Photoelectric Smoke Detector
This unit uses light scattering to detect airborne particles of combustion products.