Unibrain Fire-i 501/511/601/701/702/810 Operation Manual Page 33
3.10. Trigger & Strobe
The cameras support external trigger by receiving input through the external trigger port. The falling edge and rising
edge can be detected as trigger according to the modes it supports as per the following table. A software trigger can
also be used that issues a trigger signal via a software command. Software trigger is supported in modes 0, 12, 13, 15.
Edge Rising Edge or Falling Edge
Fire-i 701/702/810 Fire-i 501/511/601
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 15
Method Optocoupler (Photo-coupler) TTL
Source External or Software Trigger
Inquiry Register
Address Name Field Bit Description
Presence_Inq [0] Presence of this feature
Abs_Control_Inq [1] Capability of control with absolute value
- [2..3] Reserved
ReadOut_Inq [4] Capability of reading the value of this feature
On/Off_Inq [5] Capability of switching this feature On and OFF
Polarity_Inq [6] Capability of changing polarity of trigger input
[7..15] Reserved
Trigger_Mode0_Inq [16] Presence of Trigger Mode0
Trigger_Mode1_Inq [17] Presence of Trigger Mode1
Trigger_Mode2_Inq [18] Presence of Trigger Mode2
Trigger_Mode3_Inq [19] Presence of Trigger Mode3
[20..31] Reserved
Control Register
Address Name Field Bit Description
Presence_Inq 0 Presence of this feature
0:N/A 1:Available
Abs_Control [1] Absolute value control
0: Control with value in the Value field
1: Control with value in the Absolute value CSR
If this bit = 1, value in the Value field is
- [2..5] Reserved
ON_OFF [6] Write: ON or OFF this feature
Read: read a status
0: OFF, 1: ON
If this bit=0, other fields will be read only.
Trigger_Polarity [7] If Polarity_Inq is “1”, Write to change polarity of
the trigger input Read to get polarity of trigger
If Polarity_Inq is “0”, Read only. (0: Low active
input, 1: High active input)
[8..11] Reserved
Trigger_Mode [12..15] Trigger mode.(Trigger_Mode_0-15)
[16..19] Reserved
Parameter [20..31] Parameter for trigger function, if required.