Unibrain Fire-i 501/511/601/701/702/810 Operation Manual Page 57
4.9.3. SIO (RS232) special Commands
SIO(RS232) special commands are non IIDC compliant and are specific mode for the Fire- cameras.
Auto-Sync Mode control register
Bit 31 : auto sync enable
Bit 30 : SIO enable mode (0 : custom mode, 1 : IIDC v1.31)
Bit 27 : auto sync complete (read only. 1: ready, 0: not yet auto-sync)
Before using these commands serial communication parameters must be set at Serial_Mode_Reg (F2F22000h)
Baud Rate Stop Bit Parity Flow Control
57600 bps(default) 1 bit None Non
z Command format: [STX] [Command] [Data] [ETX]
[STX] : Command start character : ‘S’
Command] : Command length is 2byte. See next page command table.
[Data] : Data length is varied with each command. Data format is hexadecimal: ‘0’~’9’, ‘A’~’F’.
[ETX] : Command end character : ‘Z’
z Return value
‘G’ : Command complete acknowledge.
“Gdd..d” : “dd..d” is return data and hexadecimal character.
‘U’ : Undefined command.
z Valid Character: ‘0’~’9’, ‘A’~’F’, ‘S’,’Z’ Invalid character is received is discarded.
z Example: Gain setting command with 0x200 value
All of “SA0200Z”, “S A0 200 Z”, “SA0 200Z”, “S A0200 Z”, and “SKA0V200Z” are parsed to