Unibrain Fire-i 501/511/601/701/702/810 Operation Manual Page 69
6. Video Formats and Modes
IIDC specification defines several video formats. An overview of those formats is:
z Format 0: Video formats up to VGA (640 x 480) resolution.
z Format 1: Video formats for SVGA (800 x 600) and XGA (1024x768) resolution.
z Format 2: Video Formats for SXGA or higher resolutions ( 1280 x 960 and 1600 x 1200 )
z Format 6: Still Images
z Format 7: Scalable images sized ( User defined size and position )
Format 0 / Format 1 / Format 2
In these formats, the frame rates are pre-defined for each video mode as per the IIDC specification.
There are several defined modes for each format where a mode specifies the size and color information of the pixels.
By reading the inquiry register of the camera, the user may determine which frame rates are supported by the camera.
Please refer to the IIDC specification for the details.
Format 7
Format 0, 1, & 2 were defined at the early stage of the design and development of digital industrial cameras; where
cameras supported these common VESA compliant resolutions. Because the user required a flexible and definable
format; camera manufacturers utilized the user definable Format 7 to meet this demand. Format 7 is extremely
flexible and allows the user to define the width, height, position and pixel format of the video data where separate sets
of control registers exists for each Format 7 mode.
The cameras support Format 7 Mode 0, 1, 2 with the following base address:
Format 7 Mode 0 : F1F00000h Format 7 Mode 1 : F1F00100h Format 7 Mode 0 : F1F00200h
Offset Name Description
000h MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_INQ Maximum Horizontal / Vertical pixel number
004h UNIT_SIZE_INQ Horizontal and Vertical unit pixel number
008h IMAGE_POSITION Left / Top position of requested image region (pixel)
00Ch IMAGE_SIZE Width / Height of the requested image region (pixel)
010h COLOR_CODING_ID Color coding ID from COLOR_CODING_INQ register
014h COLOR_CODEING_INQ Inquiry register for color information setting
034h PIXEL_NUMBER_INQ Pixel number per frame
038h TOTAL_BYTE_HI_INQ Higher quadlet of total bytes of image data per frame
03Ch TOTAL_BYTE_LO_INQ Lower quadlet of total bytes of image data per frame
040h PACKET_PARA_INQ Unit (Minimum) bytes per packet Multiple by 4
Maximum bytes per packet Multiple by UnitBytePerPacket
044h BYTE_PER_PACKET Packet size, Recommended bytes per packet. If this value is
zero, shall ignore this field.
Please refer to the IIDC specification for further details.
NOTE: In Format 7 Mode, frames rates may vary which may depend on Size, Color, bytes per packet, shutter and
system performance.