
TX Save Disable
Press the assigned Soft key or switch the Toggle
Switch to the assigned position to disable the Trans-
mit Battery Saver, if you are operating in a loca-
tion where high power is almost always needed.
The Transmit Battery Saver helps extend battery
life by reducing transmit power when a very
strong signal from an apparently nearby station
is being received. Under some circumstances,
though, your hand-held radio may not be heard
well at the other end of the communication path,
and high power may be necessary at all times.
LCD Invert
Press the assigned Soft key or switch the Toggle
Switch to the assigned position inverts the LCD
display to backward-facing readout (the backward
display is convenient for viewing when wearing
the transceiver on your belt). Press the assigned
Soft key again or switch the Toggle Switch to
the other Position-return the LCD display to
frontward-facing readout.
High/Low Power
Press the assigned Soft key or switch the Toggle
Switch to the assigned position to set the radio’s
transmitter to the “Low Power” mode, thus ex-
tending battery life. Press the assigned Soft key
again or switch the Toggle Switch to the other
Position to return to “High Power” operation
when in difficult terrain.
Talk Around
Press the assigned Soft key or switch the Toggle
Switch to the assigned position to activate the Talk
Around feature when you are operating on du-
plex channel systems (separate receive and trans-
mit frequencies, utilizing a “repeater” station).
The Talk Around feature allows you to bypass
the repeater station and talk directly to a station
that is nearby. This feature has no effect when
you are operating on “simplex” channels, where
the receive and transmit frequencies are already
the same.
Note that your dealer may have made provision
for “Talk Around” channels by programming “re-
peater” and “Talk Around” frequencies on two
adjacent channels. If so, the key may be used for
one of the other Pre-Programmed Functions.