© 2013 Directed. All rights reserved.
Trigger Zone Fault Report
When armed by remote command the system runs a status check
of the alarm trigger zones. Faulty zones (usually caused by dome
light delay or open trunk) are bypassed and reported via the control
center LED and remote, while all other trigger zones remain active
and are monitored to protect the vehicle. Should a faulty zone self
correct (dome light turns off) it becomes active and is then monitored
The siren chirps once again a few seconds following the arming
chirps as an audible alert, the control center LED flashes in groups to
indicate the zone number. The remote will emit a single fault tone and
play zone specific text that identifies the faulty zones.
Alarm Report when disarming
The most recent alarm triggers (if any) are reported when the alarm
is disarmed via the remote control, siren chirps, parking light and
control center LED flashes. The siren chirps four times (or five times
if NPC On*), the parking lights flash three times, and the control
center LED flashes in groups to indicate the last two zones that were
triggered (see Table of Zones). The
text is replaced by
and text identifying the triggers.
* See “Nuisance Prevention (NPC)” on page 33 for more details.