© 2013 Directed. All rights reserved.
Feature Details
Table of Zones
Zone # (led flashes) Zone Name
1 Trunk
2 Shock Sensor
3 Door
4 Sensor 2
5 Ignition
6 Hood
Alarm Report when requested
The Alarm Report displays the two most recent alarm triggers depend-
ing on the system state when requested. When disarmed, the report
will display text to identify the two most recent triggers since the ve-
hicle was last driven. When armed, the report will display text to
identify the two most recent triggers since the system was armed.
The Alarm Report clears when ignition is turned on.
Nuisance Prevention (NPC)
NPC monitors all alarm zones and, if any are triggered excessively,
bypasses them until corrected. If a point of entry (trunk, hood, door)
is left open following a forced entry, it is bypassed. It becomes active
again only after being closed.
Bypassed sensors automatically reset after one hour and after the
vehicle is driven. Disarming then re-arming the alarm does not reset
bypassed sensors.