© 2013 Directed. All rights reserved.
Remote Start Features
Key Takeover
When you are ready to drive
The system keeps the engine running until the vehicle is ready to be
driven. To perform Key Takeover:
1. Disarm the system and enter the vehicle, do not step on the foot
2. Insert the key, turn it to the run position, and then step on the foot
brake, the remote start then turns off.
3. The parking lights turn off to indicate remote start is off, and
then after a few seconds the remote plays the
4. The vehicle is ready to drive.
Remote Start Safe-lock
Remote start safe-lock makes sure the doors are locked while the en-
gine is running and after, even if they are unlocked when remote start
is activated. Door locks may require additional parts and labor.
Disabling Remote Start
Remote start can be disabled by moving the Toggle Switch to the Off
position. If remote start is attempted while Off, the engine will not start.
(See “Remote Start Error” on page 39) move the switch back to the
On position to resume normal operation.
Advanced Start
The Advanced start features Timer Start and Smart Start will automati-