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Video input selection
Switch the video source among up to four cameras connected to Video Server. When
clicking on the quad display button, a special quad display of all video inputs is available
for simultaneous monitoring. The picture refresh rate of quad display is slower than the
single input because it takes time to capture the valid image after changing the video
source. The actually appearing buttons depend on the system settings.
Video quality selection
It allows users to adjust the video quality for speed or smoothness. The performance is
also subject to the network bandwidth and the number of users. Five options are
available to be chosen from “Medium” to “Excellent”. “Medium” quality means the
picture has the quickest refresh rate but the worst image quality and “Excellent” quality
means the picture has the slowest refresh rate but the best image quality.
Video size selection
It allows users to adjust the image size with consideration of bandwidth and image
resolution. Six options are available including “Half”, “Half×2”, “Normal”,Normal×2”,
Half D1” and “Double”. “Half×2” consumes the same bandwidth as “Half” but has the
same size with “Normal”. Of course the visual effect is worse than “Normal”.
Normal×2” compared to “Double” is similar to the case. “Half×2” is especially suits in
the low bandwidth environment. To fit into the small image area, timestamp will be
skipped in “Half” and “Half×2” modes.
While in the quad display mode, “Half” means the image is composed of half size image
of each channel; “Normal” means the image is composed of normal size image of each
System configuration
There is a button or text link under video buttons for system configuration that only
appears in administrators’ main page.
External digital output control
There may be two remote control buttons for each digital output on the main page. If
there are external devices attached to digital outputs, administrators or permitted users