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A.2 System recovery
Video Server provides an auxiliary button located on the left of the front panel for system
recovery by hardware. The buttons can be used to perform either level of system
recovery. “Reset” will force the system restart at any point; “Restore” will restore the
default settings from factory and then force the system restart to work at the initial state.
Consequently “restore” is generally used to completely recover the system from serious
fault in configuration.
Click on the “RESET” button once. The system will perform the system diagnosis and the
software installation may be necessary if the IP address is not fixed. This procedure is as
same as removing the power and attaching it again.
When the system seems to respond or operate slowly after changing some settings and
administrators hardly enter the configuration to change back the original settings,
administrators can perform the “restore” procedure. It is as same as the “factory
default” link on the configuration page. To restore the factory default settings, press the
“RESET” button firmly. The system diagnosis will start right away and the “status” LEDs
will be turn on after system diagnosis. After the “status” LEDs are off, Administrators can
release the “RESET” button now and perform the installation for the initialized system.
To reduce the system failure caused by operation error, always read the related
sections in this user’s manual to prevent from unexpected error caused by wild-guess