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“Digital input state”: H (high), L (low), / (low to high), \ (high to low)
“M”: motion detection event.
“Channel Number”: A, B, C, D for channel 1, 2, 3, 4
“Video input state”: / (signal from loss to presence), \ (signal from presence to
loss), X (as long as signal loss)
“Delay time”: seconds of delay for the following actions after events happen
“Digital output number”: 1 ~ 2
“Digital output state”: C (NC), O (NO)
“V”: set video channel to go to preset location
“P”: set preset location number to go to preset location
“W”: send warning to server
IP: server IP
“Port”: server port
“Message”: texts to be sent to the server
“U”: upload snapshots
“Method”: ‘F’ is by FTP, ‘M’ is by e-mail
“S”: take snapshot on channels
“N”: define the format of the filename
“;”: end of line
The filename format is,
%c channel number
%a image characterization (pre, trg, pos)
%y year
%M month
%d day
%h hour
%m minute
%s second