Before running the deployment
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Enterprise Server deployment and installation
This section includes detailed instructions on how to deploy your ContactCenter Management, Call
Accounting, and/or Intelligent Queue virtual machine on a VMware server and all of the post-deployment
installation and configuration changes required to get your business up and running.
Before running the deployment
Before deploying Contact Center Management, Call Accounting, and Intelligent Queue on a VMware server,
you must have configured your VMware server accordingly. For details on installing and configuring your
VMware server(s), please consult your VMware documentation.
In order to deploy the Contact Center Management, Call Accounting, and Intelligent Queue .ova file, you must
have installed and configured vSphere Client or vCenter.
Deploying Contact Center, Call Accounting, and
Intelligent Queue virtual machines
To deploy ContactCenter Management,Call Accounting, and/or Intelligent Queue virtual machines
1. In vSphere Client or vCenter, click File=>Deploy OFV Template.
2. Click Deploy from file.
3. Click Browse.
4. Browse to and select the .ova file you received from Mitel/prairieFyre and click Open.
5. Click Next.
6. Verify the .ova template details and click Next.
7. Review the End User License Agreement and click Accept.
8. Click Next.
9. Type a name for the deployed template.
10. Select the folder in which to store the virtual machine files from the list.
11. Click Next.
12. If you have more than one host or a cluster, on the Host/Cluster window, specify the host/cluster IP
13. Click Next.
14. Select the datastore in which to store the virtual machine files from the list.
15. Click Next.
16. Select the type of disk formatting you will use: Thick or Thin.
17. Click Next.
18. Select the network that will be used with this virtual machine from the list.
19. Click Next.
20. Specify the type of IPaddress allocation you will use: Fixed, Transient, or DHCP and click Next.
21. If you selected Fixed in step 20, specify the IPaddress and click Next. Otherwise, click Next.
22. Verify the .ova template options and click Finish.
VMware will deploy your virtual machine.
Post-deployment installation and configuration
This section details all of the post-deployment installation and configuration instructions required to make
Contact Center Management, Call Accounting, and/or Intelligent Queue operational once you have deployed
your .ova virtual machine.