
Basic Configuration
To access command mode via the Text Interface, proceed as follows:
1. Contact the AFS-16 Unit:
a) ViaLocalPC: Start your communications program and press [Enter]. Wait
for the connect message, then proceed to Step 2.
b) ViaNetwork: The AFS-16 includes a default IP address ( and
a default subnet mask ( This allows you to contact the unit from
any network node on the same subnet, without first assigning an IP Address to
the unit. For more information, please refer to Section 5.9.
i. ViaSSHClient: Start your SSH client, and enter the AFS-16’s IP Address.
Invoke the connect command, wait for the connect message, then
proceed to Step 2.
ii. ViaTelnet: Start your Telnet Client, and then Telnet to the AFS-16’s IP
Address. Wait for the connect message, then proceed to Step 2.
c) ViaModem: Use your communications program to dial the number for the
phone line that you have connected to the AFS-16's RS232 Serial Port.
2. Login/PasswordPrompt: A message will be displayed, which prompts you to
enter a username (login name) and password. The default username is "super" (all
lower case, no quotes), and the default password is also "super".
3. If a valid username and password are entered, the AFS-16 will display the Circuit
Status Screen.
5.1.2. The Web Browser Interface
The Web Browser Interface consists of a series of web forms, which can be used to
select configuration parameters and perform switching operations, by clicking on the
appropriate buttons and/or entering text into designated fields.
1. Start your JavaScript enabled Web Browser, key the AFS-16’s IP address
(default = into the web browser’s address bar, and press [Enter].
2. Username/PasswordPrompt: A message box will prompt you to enter your
username and password. The default username is "super" (all lower case, no
quotes), and the default password is also "super".
3. If a valid username and password are entered, the Circuit Control Screen will be