Basic Configuration
• LogConfiguration: In the Text Interface, this item provides access to a submenu
which is used to configure the Audit Log, Alarm Log and Temperature Log as
described in Section 5.3.3. In the Web Browser Interface, these parameters are
directly accessed via the System Parameters menu.
AuditLog: When enabled, the Audit Log will create a record of all A/B switching
at the AFS-16 unit, including switching that was initiated by alarms.
(Default = On without Syslog.)
AlarmLog: When enabled, the Alarm Log will create a record of all alarm activity
at the AFS-16 unit. (Default = On without Syslog.)
TemperatureLog: When enabled, the Temperature Log will create a record of
temperature vs. time at the AFS-16 unit. (Default = On.).
• CallbackSecurity: Enables and configures the Callback Security Function as
described in Section 5.3.4. In order for this feature to function, a Callback number
must also be defined for each desired user account as described in Section 5.5.
(Default = On - Callback without Password Prompt, 3 attempts, 30 Minute Delay.)
• IntheTextInterface,CallbackSecurityParametersaredefinedviaasubmenu
• IntheWebBrowserInterface,CallbackSecurityParametersaredefinedviaa
• ControlCardA/BSwitch: This item can be used to enable/disable the Master A/B
Gang Switch on the AFS-16 Control Module. (Default = On.)
• ControlCardResetSwitch: This item can be used to enable/disable the Reset
Switch on the AFS-16 Control Module. (Default = On.)
• ModemPhoneNumber: When an optional external modem is connected to the
AFS-16 Control Card's RS232 Port, the Modem Phone Number parameter can be
used to denote the phone number for the external modem. (Default = undefined.)
• ManagementUtility: Enables/Disables the Management Utility. When enabled,
the Management Utility allows you to manage multiple WTI units via a single menu.
For more information on the Management Utility, please refer to the Management
Utility User's Guide on the CDROM included with the unit. (Default = Off.)
• ScriptingOptions: Provides access to a submenu that is used to configure
the Command Confirmation and Automated Mode parameters as described in
Section 5.3.5.