Basic Configuration
5.5. Managing User Accounts
The User Directory function is employed to create new accounts, display parameters
for existing accounts, modify accounts and delete accounts. Up to 128 different user
accounts can be created. The "User Directory" function is only available when you have
logged into command mode using an account that permits Administrator commands.
In both the Text Interface and the Web Browser Interface, the user configuration menu
offers the following functions:
• ViewUserDirectory: Displays currently defined parameters for any AFS-16 user
account as described in Section 5.5.1.
• AddUsername: Creates new user accounts, and allows you to assign a
username, password, command level, Circuit Module access, Circuit Group access,
service access and callback number, as described in Section 5.5.2.
• ModifyUserDirectory: This option is used to edit or change account information,
as described in Section 5.5.3.
• DeleteUser: Clears user accounts, as described in Section 5.5.4.
5.5.1. Viewing User Accounts
The "View User Directory" option allows you to view details about each account. The
View User option will not display actual passwords, and instead, the password field
will read "defined". The View User Accounts function is only available when you
have accessed command mode using a password that permits Administrator Level
5.5.2. Adding User Accounts
The "Add Username" option allows you to create new accounts. Note that the Add User
function is only available when you have accessed command mode using a password
that permits Administrator Level commands. The Add User Menu can define the
following parameters for each new account:
• Username: Up to 32 characters long, and cannot include non-printable characters.
Duplicate usernames are not allowed. (Default = undefined.)
• Password: Five to 16 characters long, and cannot include non-printable
characters. Note that passwords are case sensitive. (Default = undefined.)
• AccessLevel: Determines which commands this account will be allowed to
access. This option can set the access level for this account to "Administrator",
"SuperUser", "User" or "ViewOnly." For more information on Command Access
Levels, please refer to Section 5.4.1 and Section 17.2. (Default = User.)