Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide www.xilinx.com 145
UG492 July 23, 2010
Directory and File Contents
<project directory>/<component name>
The <component name> directory contains the release notes file provided with the core,
which may include last-minute changes and updates.
<component name>/doc
The doc directory contains the PDF documentation provided with the core.
<component name>/example design
The example design directory contains the example design files provided with the core.
For more information, see “Example Design,” page 152.
Table 15-2: Component Name Directory
Name Description
eth_avb_endpoint_readme.txt Core release notes file
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Table 15-3: Doc Directory
Name Description
eth_avb_endpoint_ds677.pdf Ethernet AVB Endpoint Data Sheet
eth_avb_endpoint_ug492.pdf Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide
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Table 15-4: Example Design Directory
Name Description
<component_name>_example_design.ucf Example User Constraints File (UCF)
provided for the example design.
<component_name>_example_design.v[hd] Top-level file that allows the example
design to be implemented in a device as a
standalone design.
tx_frame_stimulus.v[hd] An HDL file which is capable of
producing Ethernet frames at maximum
line-rate and containing a predictable
pattern in the data field.
temac_loopback_shim.v[hd] An HDL file which sits in the place of an
Ethernet MAC (an Ethernet MAC is
required in a real system). This file loops
back the data from the transmitter client
to the receiver client.