Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide www.xilinx.com 67
UG492 July 23, 2010
Rx Legacy Traffic I/F
Errored Legacy Frame Reception
As illustrated in Figure 7-2, reception of any frame in which the
legacy_rx_frame_bad is asserted (in place of legacy_rx_frame_good) indicates
that this frame must be discarded by the Legacy client; it was either received with errors or
was not intended for the legacy traffic interface.
Legacy MAC Header Filters
Overview of Operation
MAC Header Filters are provided on the receiver legacy traffic path as illustrated in
Figure 5-1. These have a greater flexibility than the standard address filter provided in the
Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC (which must be disabled). The MAC Header Filters include the
ability to filter across any of the initial 16-bytes of an Ethernet frame, including the ability
to filter only on the Destination Address, Length/Type Field, VLAN tag (if present), or any
bit-wise match combination of the preceding. Eight individual MAC Header Filters are
provided, numbered from 0 through to 7, each of which is separately configured.
X-Ref Target - Figure 7-2
Figure 7-2: Errored Frame Reception across the Legacy Traffic Interface